Hardwood for the home
“Building with beech wood”.

The Project

The LIFE Haya – Hardwood For The Home project aims to improve the climate change mitigation capacity of beech forests in Spain through a silvicultural model based on CLOSE TO NATURE FORESTRY. It will focus on climate change adaptation and the promotion of biodiversity in 10 demonstration stands in 4 regions of Spain (Castilla y León, La Rioja, Navarra and the Basque Country), generating 250 tons of wood used for innovative products and the construction of a sustainable pilot building based on the “Hayabitat” construction system with PEFC, “Passivhaus” and LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) certification under the Level(s) framework.


Partners who are carrying out the project and what role it plays in the development of the project.


Specific objectives to be achieved with the development of the project

Areas of operation

Identification of the geographic area of cooperation, characteristics, extension, etc.

Work packages

Details and progress of the activities proposed by the project


Here you will find first-hand and up-to-date information on the most important events, interesting articles and news from the LIFE Haya project.

Stay informed about how we are contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

FotoEl haya se convierte en protagonista de una jornada celebrada en Ezcaray

Beech becomes the protagonist of a day held in Ezcaray

On 25 June, Ezcaray Town Council held the conference ‘THE BEECH: Forestry and new uses for its wood,’ organised by the Regional Ministry of Agriculture of La Rioja in collaboration with the LIFE Haya project on sustainable management of the beech


Don’t miss out on the activities we are organising! Here you will find all the details about the upcoming days, workshops, talks and volunteering opportunities. Every occasion is an opportunity to learn, share and collaborate in building a greener and more sustainable future.

Stay tuned and join us to be part of the change.


The main objective of the event is to create a forum for discussion on close-to-nature forestry in beech forests, exploring wood products, economic opportunities and issues associated with beech forest management, promoting sustainable forest management.


Here we can see some of the results obtained thanks to the development of this project.

Project partners

Collaborating entities

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